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Consultation on rent charges for East Ayrshire Council properties in 2025-2026

Rent Setting Consultation 2025-2026

To pay for the significant housing investment required, based on our plan to improve existing Council houses and provide more new homes, we must borrow money and make repayments over a number of years. Part of the money you pay goes towards servicing these loan charges so we can deliver the modernisation and new build programme. The Housing Capital Investment Programme sets out how much money the Council plans to spend on improving existing Council houses and providing new ones.

Our plans and how we spend the Housing Revenue Account (rent income) budget will have an impact on your home and your community. We want to hear what you think. 

Please note - Data protection informationThe personal information we have requested from you is in order for us to contact you. Your information will be used for this purpose only and processed and held securely in terms of Data Protection Legislation. For further information on our legal basis for processing your information and your rights in terms of Data Protection Legislation, please visit our privacy statement.


Rent proposals - please tell us which of these options you'd prefer.

* required

Maximum 255 characters



Do you think the rent you pay is good value for money?

* required

Are you happy with the level of consultation and information provided by the Housing Service in relation to proposed rent increases?

* required

Which of the following would you would like the Council to spend future rent increases on?

* required

We offer opportunities to be involved through tenant participation and scrutiny. If you want more information, please tick box and complete the contact details below.

* required

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters
