Managers Details
Maximum 100 characters
Maximum 255 characters
Which Service do you work for?
Modern Apprentice/Graduate Intern
Which Modern Apprenticeship framework are you interested in? Please note further information on these frameworks can be found on the Workforce and Future Skills Intranet page or by emailing (If Graduate Intern choose this option below)
Various qualifications require college attendance, can you confirm that you are able to support day/block release at college if required?
Please detail the type of work the Modern Apprentice/Graduate Intern will be undertaking?
Please indicate the potential career pathways within your service, that the Modern Apprentice/Graduate Intern could apply for on completion of their Apprenticeship/Internship
Please confirm that a buddy/mentor has been /or will be identified to provide support to the Modern Apprentice/Graduate Intern?
Please indicate how the post will be funded. (more than 1 option can be selected)
Please note your Service may be required to part fund the modern apprentice training costs depending on the funding received from Skills Development Scotland
For further information on this, please contact the Workforce and Future Skills Team on