East Ayrshire Sports Council Awards 2024 Nominations

Is there a young person, volunteer, coach or athlete that has excelled this year from your club in your chosen sport?

Has your club itself excelled and deserves to be recognised for this?

Now is your chance to nominate that young person, coach, athlete or club for the recognition they deserve.


Nominations are welcome from any individual or organisation as long as they are members of an East Ayrshire Sports Council affiliated club.

These awards recognise excellence, achievement and development by East Ayrshire sportsmen, sportswomen and sports organisations.

The closing date is Thursday 31 October 2024 with the awards evening taking place on Thursday 28th November 2024.

Award categories

Disabled Sportsperson of the Year
The award is made to a disabled person who has exhibited one or more of the following qualities or attributes in connection with their sport:-
  • Dedication
  • Effort
  • Fair Play
  • Determination
  • Performance / improvement
  • Popularity

Jim Higgins Youth Sports Personality of the Year
The award is made to a young person aged eighteen or under who has exhibited one or more of the following qualities or attributes in connection with their sport:-
  • Dedication
  • Effort
  • Fair Play
  • Determination
  • Performance / improvement
  • Popularity

SALSC Service to Sport
The award is made to a person who has shown out-standing commitment, dedication and enthusiasm in their support over a considerable period. Nominees could be one of or a combination of the following:-
  • Coach
  • Committee member
  • Volunteer 
  • Fundraiser

Individual Performance of the Year
This award is for an individual who has had significant achievements in their sport and nominees must be able to demonstrate at least one of the following:-
  • A high level of performance throughout the year
  • Significant successes in competition
  • Notable step up in development as a player or athlete

Team Performance of the Year
This award is for a team which has had significant achievements in their sport and nominees must be able to demonstrate at least one of the following:-
  • A high level of performance throughout the year
  • Significant successes in competition
  • A notable step up in development as a team

Inspiring Females in Sport Award
The award is made to an individual who has used their influence to raise the visibility and increase the impact of female sport and is seen as a positive role model in East Ayrshire. More people value, participate in, re-main in, watch and support female sport because of them.
Preference will be given to individuals who meet at least two of the three criteria listed below:-
  • Athlete
  • Coach
  • Committee member

Club of the Year— Sponsored by the East Ayrshire Child Protection Committee

These clubs have either:-
  • Attracted new members by using innovative methods of marketing and promotion
  • Club involvement with communities such as come and try events, assisting community groups
  • Strong links between schools and clubs
  • Commitment to developing coaches and volunteers
  • Structured pathways for players to develop through to elite level
  • Access to structured competitions, leagues
  • Developed partnership working with National Governing Bodies, Local Authorities and other clubs
  • Club member success at Regional, Scottish, UK or International events
  • Continue to promote and raise awareness of child protection issues within the club environment by displaying East Ayrshire Child Protection Committee

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