EAC Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

What is the LHEES?
Our Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) sets out the long-term plan for decarbonising heat in buildings and improving their energy efficiency across the entire local authority area, framed around 6 considerations:
- Off-gas grid buildings: Transitioning from heating oil and LPG in off-gas areas
- On-gas grid buildings: On-gas grid heat decarbonisation
- Heat networks: Decarbonisation with heat networks
- Poor building energy efficiency: Poor building energy efficiency
- Poor building energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty: Poor building energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty
- Mixed-tenure, mixed-use and historic buildings: Mixed-tenure, mixed-use buildings, listed buildings, and buildings in conservation areas.
It is important that LHEES is evidence based and is kept under review, with formal updates to be released at no more than 5 yearly intervals.
Why do we need one?
All Scottish local authorities are required to prepare their own LHEES under The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022. East Ayrshire Council is already taking steps to improve the energy efficiency of its homes and non-domestic buildings; LHEES will bring this work together and provide a platform to develop future energy efficiency projects.
What does the LHEES look like?
LHEES is presented through 2 main documents; a formal strategy document and an accompanying delivery plan (currently being finalised). As our first iteration, the strategy presents a detailed view of current levels of energy efficiency across East Ayrshire. From this we are able to better understand where there are opportunities for intervention.
LHEES includes all buildings in its current scope; domestic, non-domestic, private and public. To support this, the strategy provides advice and links to further information for private building owners.
LHEES as Supplementary Guidance to LDP2
The LHEES will also be adopted as Supplementary Guidance to support our East Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2. The guidance will support the LDP2 Spatial Strategy and implement the principles of LDP2 policies:
- SS2: Spatial Strategy
- PROP6: Our Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy
Consultation on the LHEES
The formal consultation closed on 31st January 2025. If you have any ongoing comments in relation to the LHEES please contact us:.
- Email any comments to localdevelopmentplans@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
- Post any comments to: Development Planning and Regeneration, The Opera House, John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD.