What is your name?
Maximum 255 characters
Which service do you work for?
Please rate the usefulness of attending Extended Management Team session?
What aspects of the session did you find most useful?
What topics for discussion should be considered for future meetings?
Having had time to reflect, is there anything further that you would like to add in relation to the questions posed during the group discussions?
Discussion - Budget
What are the risks that could impact on future budgets?
What can we do to manage stakeholder expectations?
How should we mitigate these risks?
What opportunities exist to invest in initiatives that will generate long-term savings or benefits?
What measures can we take to address inequality?
Discussion - Collaborative Working
What are the barriers to effective collaboration across teams/partners?
How can we encourage innovation through collaboration?
How can we create opportunities for teams to interact informally and build stronger connections?
How can we address barriers to effective collaboration across teams/partners?
Additional Feedback
Please provide any other comments or feedback you have about the session.