Ayr town centre parking initiative

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Since January 2024 we've been operating a two hours free parking initiative in Ayr town centre.

This means that motorists can obtain one free parking session per day from any on-street parking ticket machine and any extended stays (where applicable) or subsequent visits are chargeable.

We want to find out your views about how effective the initiative has been and would be grateful if you could fill out the short survey below.

Thank you for your interest. This survey is now closed. We will publish the results in due course.


Since January 2024 we've been operating a two hours free parking initiative in Ayr town centre.

This means that motorists can obtain one free parking session per day from any on-street parking ticket machine and any extended stays (where applicable) or subsequent visits are chargeable.

We want to find out your views about how effective the initiative has been and would be grateful if you could fill out the short survey below.

Thank you for your interest. This survey is now closed. We will publish the results in due course.

Page last updated: 10 Dec 2024, 08:44 AM